The Vernier EasyTemp is a rugged, general-purpose temperature sensor for TI-84 Plus calculators and TI-Nspire handhelds.
What Makes Vernier EasyTemp So Easy?
Vernier EasyTemp has a mini-A USB connector that allows you to attach the temperature probe directly to the USB port of a TI-84 Plus graphing calculator or TI-Nspire handheld. Connecting the sensor to the calculator or handheld will automatically launch the data collection application, and you are ready to collect data.
Temperature range: –20 to 115°C
Maximum temperature that the sensor can tolerate without damage: 150°C
Resolution: 0.07°C
Accuracy: ±0.5°C
Response time: 4 s (to 90% of full reading in water)
Vernier EasyTemp sensor
User manual
Easy to Go! Adapter (MINI-USB)
Electrode Support (ESUP)
User Manual: https://www.vernier.com/manuals/ez-tmp/
Warranty: 5-year limited warranty