Relative Humidity Sensor
The Relative Humidity Sensor can be used for weather studies, monitoring greenhouses, or determining days when static electrical discharges could be a problem.
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Product Families
The Relative Humidity Sensor contains an integrated circuit that monitors relative humidity over the range 0 to 95% (± 5%).
These units are designed to be used with one of the interfaces sold by Vernier and are not standalone sensors. If you are looking for a standalone relative humidity sensor, consider a sensor by Honeywell.
Range: 0% to 95%
Power: 200 µA @ 5 VDC
Response Time (time for a 90% change in reading):In still air: 60 minutes (typical)
With vigorous air movement: 40 seconds (typical)
Typical Resolution: 0.04% RH
Humidity Sensor Specifications
Specifications for the IH-3602-L Integrated Circuit Humidity Sensor (at 25°C and 5.0 VDC) are given below:
Total Accuracy (with saturated salt calibration): ±2% RH
Total Accuracy (with standard calibration): ±10% RH
Operating Temperature Range: 0 to 85°C
Temperature Effect0% RH voltage: ±0.007% RH/°C (negligible)
50% RH voltage: –0.11% RH/°C
95% RH voltage: –0.22% RH/°C
Vernier Relative Humidity Sensor
User Manual:
Warranty: 5-year limited warranty